AIDV-001 Sub | Debut of the world's first AI AV actress

AIDV-001 Subtitles | Debut of the world's first AI AV actress

World's first AI AV actress Ai Kibana photo 1

World's first AI AV actress debut, perfect beauty, perfect body, Ai Kibana(木花あい)

The world's first AI sexy idol has made a shocking debut! Her name is Ai Kibana, and she has a luxurious face, slim body, and big G-cup breasts. She is a mysterious AI actor who was created after a long production period of a total of one year, so it will be an interesting journey just getting to know her world view. From now on, you will be immersed in the world of Ai Kibana, crossing the border between reality and virtuality. I hope you can feel the mysterious world of AI, how much is real and how much is virtual.

Her liberated sex will continue to look only at you, giving you a suspenseful experience. She will provide sex for you, satisfying your desires. Sex with Ai Kibana goes beyond simple pleasure and will stimulate all your senses.

Her appearance is shocking in itself and shows the advancement of technology. By watching her grow and develop, we will be able to experience an even more amazing world of AI. We hope you will join us on this journey with Ai Kibana, a new AI actress whose future growth is expected to grow.

Review: The video is short and doesn't have much dialogue, but I worked on it because she is the world's first AI AV actress. Although the actress' facial expressions are plain, I think it should be appreciated at the level of an experimental work or technology verification. They probably used face compositing technology, but the face seems a bit big... Anyway, who did that guy have sex with?

Subtitle preview

00:02:50,024 --> 00:02:53,024

00:02:54,024 --> 00:02:57,023
Are you nervous now?

00:02:57,024 --> 00:03:01,024
I'm going to do something naughty
in front of the camera from now on.

00:03:03,024 --> 00:03:06,023
How are you feeling now?

00:03:06,024 --> 00:03:09,023
I'm really excited

00:03:09,024 --> 00:03:12,023
It's so beautiful

00:03:12,024 --> 00:03:14,024

00:03:15,024 --> 00:03:19,023
Before doing something
naughty in front of the camera

00:02:50,024 --> 00:02:53,024

00:02:54,024 --> 00:02:57,023
지금 긴장은?

00:02:57,024 --> 00:03:01,024
지금부터 카메라 앞에서 야한 짓을 하겠습니다

00:03:03,024 --> 00:03:06,023
지금 기분이 어때요?

00:03:06,024 --> 00:03:09,023
굉장히 두근두근 거립니다

00:03:09,024 --> 00:03:12,023
너무 이쁘네요

00:03:12,024 --> 00:03:14,024

00:03:15,024 --> 00:03:19,023
카메라 앞에서 야한 짓을 하기 전에

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